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There are a number of global initiatives undertaken to achieve goals for a sustainable & inclusive future, combat climate crisis and effectively address social issues. Furthermore, there are a numerous global standards and recommendations specially put together to serve as an accountable and transparent common ground for companies to analyse and report their sustainability impacts in a consistent and credible way. Some of the initiatives/standards include Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), International Financial Corporation (IFC), Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and so on.
The release of the Almanacs is very timely as the SEBI replaced the existing Business Responsibilities Reporting mechanism (BRR) with the Business Responsibility and Sustainable Reporting (BRSR) mechanism through SEBI Circular of 10th May 2021 on the said subject. The revised framework is expected to bring to the forefront more transparency and accountability, especially in line with different ESG parameters, which not just the Indian authorities but also global leaders undertake as crucial and essential elements to be administered by companies in today’s day and age.
Currently, foreign capital places major emphasis on assessing the alignment of ESG parameters by the investee companies. The rise in such specific assessments and disclosures has made ESG a crucial part of the impact investment process, whereby ESG is not merely a compliance requirement but it is the new way of doing business. In this background, our Almanacs will act as a beacon for navigating the increasing complex compliance requirements for the corporate to follow and address their concerns.